Computer Art.

This class allows you the opportunity to explore the computer as a tool to create art.
The lessons are designed to develop your skills in digital image making and to expand your creativity as an artist.

In the class you study the mechanics of computer art, as well as the work of artists, photographers, and the history of art.
The goal of this class is to:
1  Explore the computer as a way to create art.
2  Produce digital images that reflect an understanding of aesthetics.
3  Develop your skills in digital image making.
4  Develop your creativity.
5  Learn about artists, photographers, and the history of art.
6  Develop technical skills that can be used in real life job situations.

The areas of study in this class are:
1  Digital Photography as an art form.
2  Digital Photography as a profession.
3  The mechanics of computer art.
4  Art History
5  Aesthetics
Tools needed:

1 )   Digital camera (Bring to class daily (NOT a phone camera)
2 )  
Flash drive with at least 4GB memory (Bring to class daily)
3 )   After school access to personal computer and the internet.  
        (At home or at the school media center)
4 )   Ring binder with white
lined paper. (Bring to class daily)
5 )   Blue or black writing pen (Bring to class daily)

Grading scale:

Every class assignment has a specific set of guidelines that must be met for a successful grade. All assignments are weighed differently in accordance to their complexity and length of time that they take to complete.  There will be a minimum of two assignments per week. All grades will be averaged at the end of each nine-week period.  Assignments are graded as A, B, C, D, or F. 
All students will be assigned an effort and conduct grade that is based on their classroom performance and behavior.


All assignments must be completed in a timely manner.  Please take note of the guidelines for the assignments as well as the due date of the assignments.  It is advised that you write down all assignments and due dates in your Computer Art (CAN) notebook

Computer Art Notebook (CAN):
Students are required to take notes on a daily basis.  The CAN must be brought to class daily.  Students must be ready to present their notebook for grading to the teacher at any time.  The notebook must be neat and orderly.  All papers must be dated.  The students’ name must be placed in a prominent place in the notebook as well as on every written page.

Student Behavior:
All students are expected to adhere to the MDCPS student code of conduct.

Class Rules and Procedure:

1 Be in your seat before the late bell rings.
2 Class starts the minute that the late bell rings for the class period.
3 Be quite and ready to take instructions from the teacher as soon as class starts.
4 Always stay on task.  When you have completed your assignment please inform your teacher
5 Have the following with you at all times.
           Digital camera (Bring to class daily)
           Flash drive with at least 4GB (Bring to class daily)
           3 Ring binder with white lined paper; CAN (Bring to class daily)
           Blue or black writing pen (Bring to class daily)
6 The bell does not dismiss you. The teacher dismisses you.  Please stay in your seat until the teacher dismisses you.

Students that have 10 unsatisfactory absences must appeal for their final grade. There will be no exceptions.  It is the responsibility of the student and their parents or guardians to stay abreast of their absences as well as of the progress of the student.

The teacher welcomes phone calls or email from all parents.
when emailing the teacher please make sure to write the students name and class period.
The school phone number is                   teacher's email
[email protected]

Special note:  Reading is an important part of this class.  All students are required to read as part of their daily activities.